Shipping Recovery Sector Rises with Global Need

With manufacturing, Internet sales, and expanding globalization, the shipping recovery sector is on a worldwide rise. More and more businesses are coming to depend on bulk packaging for their assembled products and shipping, and as a result the industry is growing by the billions annually. This marks a changed world but also a higher importance on shipping refunds—the money these businesses can regain from all of their mass packaging.

Bulk seems to be paving the way of the future. The larger a company gets, the more capital it has to invest for the long term in the materials of whatever it manufactures. Chemicals and pharmaceuticals lead the way in bulk shipments, but just about every industry sends and receives more products than ever before. With a higher connectedness in business, this growth is expected only to rise in the coming years, which accounts for the expansion of the shipping recovery sector. For those adding to and affected by this change, it’s important to take full advantage of shipping refunds.

Every major carrier guarantees the timely delivery of its products, offering shipping refunds for lateness. If the bulk packaging market really does increase to $56 billion by 2015, the same rate of growth in late deliveries should also be expected. That’s actually good news for shipping companies, since most of their refunds go unclaimed, but businesses need to be more proactive as their reliance on shipping grows. More bulk packaging inherently means more late deliveries—but it can also mean more shipping refunds, which is just reclaimed revenue.

Are you sending a out bunch of FedEx or UPS shipments every month? Chances are your invoices contain refund opportunities. Let PackageFox help you save some money.

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