Reduce Business Costs: How Much Fluff is Too Much?

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Do you wish someone would invent helium filled bubble wrap for shipping so you could add negative weight to your freight? Have you ever found yourself paying several dollars more than expected to ship a box? Chances are, you have been victim to over fluffing a box with protective measures like bubble wrap and/or packing peanuts. So, you say, it is better for the package to arrive safe and sound than damaged because I tried to save a few dollars. While safe shipping is important, you can reduce business costs by packing smartly, and avoiding needless weight inside your packages.

Both FedEx and UPS ship by weight, measuring the dimensions of the box and its actual weight to determine the cost of the parcel. In both systems, the value in weight is rounded up for assessing the cost of shipment (meaning a package that weighs 1.51lbs. is billed as weighing 2lbs.). When the shipper considers the fractional flux in prices depending on a small weight variation, he or she quickly realizes that packing peanuts do matter.

The debate between safe or cheap shipping is one every shipper has, whether the package is going from one residential address to another or a business is posting to its customers. Those who spend the extra time to learn lightweight, sturdy shipping methods will make out better in the long run. Saving pounds on shipping a package is a fast way to see profit skyrocket.

While there is no general rule to follow when cushioning that package, there are a few tips to keep in mind to keep boxes lighter and therefore reduce business costs. The most important rule is to keep boxes snug. Never ship an item in a box that is oversized. Not only will the contents of the box be prone to shift and break, but also the amount of cushioning needed to prevent breakage will significantly impact the weight. When possible, affixing the item in its box with tape will prevent the contents from shifting en route leading to a need for less fluff inside the box. Always use packing peanuts or bubble wrap when available. Newsprint will serve well, but it is weightier than other options. Over-packing by a fraction of a pound could cost you several dollars per package, and that is a large shipping cost leak.

Are you sending a out bunch of FedEx or UPS shipments every month? Chances are your invoices contain refund opportunities. Let PackageFox help you save some money.

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