Boxes, Tubes, and Mailers, Oh My! Reduce Operating Costs with the Right Shipping Materials

Online retail shop owners understand how important it is to reduce operating costs without compromising quality of service. When consumers order products online, they expect to receive quality goods at a low price. To maintain your low prices, you must learn how to get very creative in the shipping department. Small shipping boxes are not the only way you can be thrifty. If you are looking for creative ideas on how to reduce operating costs and save money on delivery, consider the shipping materials tips below.

Buy in Bulk
If you regularly ship items via UPS or FedEx, buy your packing materials in bulk to save money. There are a number of different sites offering discounted bulk packing materials when you buy larger quantities. While you may make a larger initial investment, over time you will ultimately save. Calculate how much you are spending for small packs of materials and do the math to see just how much you can save when you buy in bulk.

Tubes Are Not Just For Posters
Packing tubes come in a variety of different sizes. If you sell oddly-shaped items that do not take up much space in a box, consider sending these items in tubes instead of boxes. Accessories, clothing, and small toys can be shipped in tubes for less. Compare the different tube sizes and make sure you choose materials that are durable and waterproof.

The New Type of Envelope
Poly mailers have grown in popularity over recent years. These advanced envelopes are waterproof, durable, and cannot be tampered with. If you sell CDs, DVDs, software, t-shirts, electronic accessories, or smaller items that are not breakable, consider sending these items in poly-envelope mailers and save on bubble wrap and popcorn.

As you can see, small shipping boxes are not the only way to send your merchandise. Think of creative ways you can save money without upsetting your customers. When you keep your cost of shipping down, you can stay competitive by keeping your prices down as well.

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