Supply Chain Cost Reduction: Is Shipping Your Weak Link?

Many shippers do not realize that they are entitled to reclaim money on late shipments. Ten percent of boxes shipped with a guaranteed arrival date (7-10 days, 2-3, overnight, etc.) that is not met. For anyone in the shipping industry, whether you own and operate an online business or participate in sales on eBay often, supply chain cost reduction is crucial. Recovering five to eight percent of shipping costs annually could make the difference between a profitable industry and one marginalized.

Consider the cost of overnighting a package. The rates for two to three day shipping are usually more than fifty percent cheaper. The shipper might pay forty dollars or more to have a packaged shipped next day or same day, and yet the package arrives after three days. When that happens, Package Fox helps shippers to quickly see how much money they are entitled to recover.

Package Fox keeps an audit on shipped items in transit, and automatically files a claim with the shipping company when a package is late or lost. Clients are only charged (a small percentage of the recovery amount) if the shipping refund is successful. Often, the client is able to recover a generous sum. Package Fox is currently only compatible with UPS and FEDEX, so USPS failures are not covered. Though, for many oddly-shaped and special order products, USPS is not a competitive option anyway.

When a shipping company like UPS enters into a contract, promising to meet a deadline, and fails or damages the package en route, having an intermediary like Package Fox on hand to recover losses is invaluable. Late and damaged goods are a primary source of lost revenue. Finding a way to stop the bleeding and recover lost funds and time makes even hard-pressed companies more competitive.

Are you sending a out bunch of FedEx or UPS shipments every month? Chances are your invoices contain refund opportunities. Let PackageFox help you save some money.

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