The US Shipping Industry is Going Green

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Greenwashing is a relatively new term in our lexicon that means a company uses “spin” to deceptively promote products or an image as being eco-friendly, when in fact, they operate in the opposite fashion. In the US shipping industry, there has been a concerted effort to operate in a more “green” or eco-friendly fashion, and the companies tout it in their marketing.  Upon closer inspection of the industry, you see that greenwashing would not be in the company’s best interest. Why?

Both FedEx and UPS are massive consumers of fuel, and also contribute a sizeable share of greenhouse gasses in the process. Efficiency in operation, coupled with improvements in fuel economy, not only leads to greener practices, but also lower operating costs and improved bottom lines.

For example, UPS announced last year their “Smart Pickup” service, where drivers only stop at a daily customer’s location only if they have a package to send. According to UPS, they have saved 8 million miles of the total driven by UPS drivers, saved an estimated 793,000 gallons of fuel, and reduced CO2 emissions by 7,800 metric tons.

Both UPS and FedEx have begun to proliferate electric vehicles in their fleets. Starting in urban areas and select markets nationwide, UPS’s leadership in the greening of the US shipping Industry will lead to additional companies emulating their practice. The UPS fleet of alternative fuel vehicles now totals over 2,022. FedEx has a sizeable fleet of alternative energy vehicles as well.

How can you help turn the US shipping industry green?

There are a few ways that businesses can operate at a higher level of efficiency and also be a more eco-friendly shipper. One is to combine multiple shipments into one delivery. Another way is to utilize eco-friendly packing materials. Biodegradable, or recycled packing materials are relatively easy to obtain and offer the same protection without the environmental impact.

Lastly, tracking your packages eliminates waste and duplicate efforts. Using a service like Package Fox to track your package deliveries electronically is an efficient way to ensure your carriers are delivering as guaranteed. If they don’t, then Package Fox will initiate a claim and collect it for you, saving you some of the other kind of “green”.

Are you sending a out bunch of FedEx or UPS shipments every month? Chances are your invoices contain refund opportunities. Let PackageFox help you save some money.

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